He said that the program is planned to be completed by this summer, and several amendments will be made to the program to improve treatment of tuberculosis.
Increasing the salaries of the officers working in the sphere of Phthisiology will also be proposed in the program, APA reports.
"The doctors and nurses contacting with tuberculosis patients are in danger. Therefore the program envisages increasing their salaries," he said.
Agayev said that construction of National Reference Laboratory started with financial support of German government in December.
"40% of the laboratory has already been constructed. The construction will possibly finish by summer," he said.
Noting that construction of such a laboratory is one of the requirements of the World Health Organization, Faig Agayev said 12 regional T.B. prophylactic centers are being established in Azerbaijan.
"We are establishing them so that the patients can be cured in the regions they live in. these centers should be provided with strong logistical support," he said.