Ganja gas supply office deputy chief Shubay Nesirov told APA the reason was not a blast but an immediate inflammation.
"The officers of Ganja Prosecutor's Office, gas supply office and fire fighting service investigated the fire place yesterday. It was found out that the reason was gas leak. Rubber hose had expanded from high temperature and got out of the gas pipe and it began leaking. The windows would have broken if there had been a blast. It is immediate inflammation," he said.
4 injured - Ramiz Veliyev, 53, Isgender Veliyev, 14, Meryem Veliyeva, 53, and Gulnar Veliyeva, 21, - were placed in the Ganja Emergency Medical Aid Hospital #3.
Ganja Health Department chief Mehman Rzayev gave instructions to send Meryem Veliyeva and Gulnar Veliyeva to the Republic Burn Center because of their serious conditions.