The level of coat of snow will be 25sm in Khinalig, Khaltan, 27sm in Giriz, 15sm in Gusar, 20sm in Tengil, 12sm in Altiagaj, 25sm in Gadabey, 24sm in Geigel, 10sm in Guba, 9sm in Dashkesen, 3sm in Sherur and Shahbuz and 2sm in Gabala.
According to the information of Oil rocks station the level of wave reached 5,8m in the sea, Umayra Tagiyeva, Ecology and Natural Resources Ministry (ENRM) National Hydrometeorology Department bureau chief told the APA.
Tagiyeva noted that the weather will be cold and frosty; snow is forecasted in Absheron peninsula and Baku today. The temperature will be 0 degrees in the afternoon, 1-3 in the evening. It will snow on December 28, but snow is expected to stop in the first part of the day. The north wind will be breeze up; warm North-West wind will alternate North wind. The weather is forecasted to be rainless and cloudy on December 29. South-West, West wind will blow and it will sometimes breeze up.