Defendants and defence-lawyers asked questions to Haji Mammadov. Answering Husain Abdulvahabov's questions Mammadov said they committed three crimes in concert with his gang: kidnapping and murdering of Azermebel Industrial Concern president Nazim Pashayev and his driver, and also kidnapping Elshen Hasanov and Cavid Manafov.
"I am repentant for cooperating with him, because, all these crimes were pointless and ineffective. I used the Chechens as informers," he said.
Then Mammadov refused to answer Abdulvahabov's questions.
"Husain's questions make me fly into a rage. He fears that I will inform the court about his crimes minutely, and that is why he wants confuse the court," Mammadov said.
Then Aslanbek Chentamirov's lawyer Hazi Mammadov and Naila Guliyeva's lawyer Veli Naghdaliyev asked questions to Haji Mammadov.
The trial will continue in the second half of the day, APA reports.