APA reports that Mongolia tops the list due to the number of smokers in this country. 67.8% smoke in this country.
The first five countries are China (66.9%), Kenya (66.8), Cambodia (66%) and Namibia (65%). Armenian is in the 6th place due to the number of smokers. Two in three people smoke in this country.
Out of former USSR countries, Kazakhstan (60%) is in 13th place, Kyrgyzstan (60%) 14th, Belarus (54%) 23rd, Ukraine (51.1%) 30th, Lithuania (51.1%) 31st, Latvia (49%) 35th, Uzbekistan (27%) 37th, Estonia (44%) 47th, Azerbaijan (32%) 85th, Turkmenistan (27%) 95th.
The rating was determined on the basis of the statistical figures of 2002-2003.
WHO stated that a Greek smokes 8.6 cigarettes a day. The first five countries for this criteria are Bulgaria (7.7 cigarettes), Japan (6.8), Bosnia (6.4) and Slovenia (6.2).