TODAY.AZ / Society

Independence Day of Azerbaijan celebrates in Tel Aviv

28 May 2024 [13:39] - TODAY.AZ

The Embassy of Azerbaijan in Israel organized an event dedicated to May 28 - Independence Day, Azernews reports.

At the event held in Tel Aviv, Azerbaijan's ambassador to Israel, Mukhtar Mammadov, spoke about the achievements of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, which was founded in 1918, and the multicultural environment in our country, which was considered unparalleled for that time. The Ambassador also informed about the work done by the leadership of the country for the independence and sovereignty of Azerbaijan, the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the waving of the Azerbaijani flag in every part of the country, and the visionary policy implemented by President Ilham Aliyev in the political, economic, military, social and humanitarian fields. gave

At the event, the "Sevgi" musical ensemble operating in Israel and the soloist of the Jerusalem Lyric Opera, Kamelia Yoffe, presented a concert program consisting of Azerbaijani classical works and folk songs, and videos dedicated to Azerbaijan by Azerbaijan Television and Baku Media Center were shown to the guests.

A special competition was also held for the participants of the event, and with the support of "Azerbaijan Airlines" CJSC, the winners were given 2 flight tickets in the direction of Tel Aviv - Baku.

Representatives of the Azerbaijani diaspora in Israel took part in the ceremony.


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