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AKINCI's detection of helicopter location shared with Iranian authorities

23 May 2024 [20:16] - TODAY.AZ

By News Centre

"With the approval of our Presidency and the consent of Iranian officials, the unarmed AKINCI UAV took off from Batman at 23:30 and entered Iranian airspace at 00:12. Visual contact was established at 02:36 during the scans conducted in the relevant area, and the detected heat source was shared with Iranian authorities."

Azernews reports that the statement was made by the Minister of National Defence of Turkiye, Yashar Guler.

Minister Guler conducted a video conference meeting with the commanders of domestic and cross-border units.
In the meeting attended by Minister Guler from the Ministry of National Defence, Chief of the General Staff General Metin Gurak, Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Ercument Tatl?oghlu, Chief of Air Force Staff General Ziya Cemal Kad?oghlu, and Deputy Ministers Shuay Alpay and Alpaslan Kavakl?oghlu were also present. Minister Guler received information about ongoing activities, especially in the fight against terrorism, and gave instructions for future work.

Minister Guler expressed condolences to Iranian politicians, bureaucrats, and citizens, including Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hussein Amir-Abdollahian, who lost their lives in the accident.

I congratulate all my comrades

Guler stated that they started preparations upon receiving the request for a night vision capable helicopter from Iranian authorities after learning about the accident. "In this context, it was instructed to prepare the AKINCI UAV, which was considered more beneficial under the current conditions by us. With the approval of our Presidency and the consent of Iranian officials, the unarmed AKINCI UAV took off from Batman at 23:30 and entered Iranian airspace at 00:12. Visual contact was established at 02:36 during the scans conducted in the relevant area, and the detected heat source was shared with Iranian authorities. At 05:50, information was received that the wreckage was reached as a result of the contact established with Iranian officials. Our AKINCI UAV, which successfully completed its mission, entered Turkish airspace at 06:45. During this process, I congratulate all my comrades who acted in close cooperation and coordination with our Presidency, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Iranian authorities, showing a rapid reaction and successfully fulfilling their duties; I kiss each one of them separately from their eyes," he said.

We saw that the effectiveness of our army has further increased

Minister Guler stated that with its glorious history of over 2,200 years, the Turkish Armed Forces are one of the strongest armies in the world with its discipline, capability, courage, and compassion. "Our determination in the fight against terrorism, within the framework of our new security concept, is to eliminate threats at their source before they reach our borders, and to continue our fight against all kinds of threats and dangers, especially terrorist organizations such as PKK/KCK/PYD-YPG, DAESH, and FETO, with increasing pressure and intensity. In addition, with the increasing number and scope of exercises every year, we aim to increase peace and stability in our region and especially with our neighbours, and to develop mutual respect, friendship, and cooperation. We have seen that the effectiveness of our brave army in the air and at sea has further increased with comprehensive exercises such as the International Anatolian Phoenix and Seawolf Exercises, which we have conducted in recent times. The Ephesus-2024 Exercise, which started on April 25, 2024, is being conducted comprehensively. The Ephesus Exercise is being conducted with a professional understanding that can respond to current events, crisis scenarios that may occur globally and regionally, by reflecting the multi-dimensional and complex security environment that has become beyond the classic exercise understanding into the exercise scenario," he said.

50 countries and more than 11,000 personnel will participate

Reminding that 37 countries participated in the exercise two years ago, Guler said, "This year, it is planned that 50 countries and approximately 11,000 personnel will participate in the exercise, and the distinguished observer day will be held on May 29-30 with the participation of our esteemed President. I sincerely believe that, as in the past, our Turkish Armed Forces will demonstrate superior performance in the Ephesus Exercise, which is one of the most important and appropriate platforms to demonstrate the capabilities and capabilities of our Armed Forces to the domestic and foreign public. On this occasion, I wish success to all my colleagues in arms and duty, and I kiss each of you from your eyes," he said.


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