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Health ministries of Belarus, Zimbabwe thrash out cooperation plans

24 February 2024 [22:10] - TODAY.AZ
A delegation of the Healthcare Ministry of Belarus took part in the first meeting of the Zimbabwe-Belarus Joint Permanent 
Commission on Cooperation, BelTA learned from the press service of the Healthcare Ministry, Azernews reports, citing BelTa.

The delegation was led by Deputy Healthcare Minister Boris Androsyuk and included Belpharmprom Director General Oleg Sakhno, Deputy Director of the Center for Examinations and Tests in Healthcare Marina Zlotnikova, and other experts.

According to the press service, the negotiations in Harare covered a wide range of matters in medicine and pharmaceutics.
“Belarus’ delegation visited the Ministry of Health and Child Care of Zimbabwe and met with Minister Dr. Douglas Mombeshora. 

During the meeting the parties discussed and finalized the memorandum of interaction between the health ministries. The experts also considered signing a memorandum of understanding between the Center for Examinations and Tests in Healthcare of Belarus and the Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe. Such a document will facilitate a broader access of Belarusian pharmaceuticals to the Zimbabwean market. The parties also explored ways to expand mutually beneficial cooperation in healthcare and pharmaceuticals,” said Boris Androsyuk.

The minister of health and child care of Zimbabwe expressed strong interest in purchasing Belarus’ medical products. Therefore, he was given a catalog of medical products and medications produced in Belarus.

The business forum “Expanding Horizons: Dynamic Solutions for Economic Development” resulted in the signing of a memorandum between Belpharmprom and the Zimbabwean company Graniteside Chemicals (PVT) Ltd. The document provides for cooperation in registration and supply of Belarusian medicines to Zimbabwe.

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