Discussions centred on energy efficiency, introduction of renewable energy sources into the electricity system and opportunities to reduce methane emissions. The total potential of renewable energy is estimated at 666 GW.
Solar energy has the largest share, estimated at 655 GW, followed by wind and hydropower. The development of this sector, along with the reduction of methane emissions (from power, agriculture and waste), will contribute significantly to environmental protection and energy supply, as well as to the fulfilment of the country's climate goals, i.e. achieving zero growth in greenhouse gas emissions starting in 2030 and significant emission reductions in the long term. With this in mind, the Turkmen government has taken the first important steps towards a more sustainable energy system.
The Law on Renewable Energy Sources was adopted in 2021, focusing on the development of renewable energy and providing major incentives for renewable energy projects. The Government has developed a new Law on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving, which is currently under consideration by the Parliament of Turkmenistan.
In addition, the Government plans to further explore the possibility of producing green and blue hydrogen in the country. Accession to the Global Methane Commitment is also on the political agenda. Opportunities for co-operation on methane emission reductions were considered during a meeting with Turkmengaz.