By Trend
A total of 2,011 transactions were made on Kyrgyz Stock Exchange in 2022, Trend reports with reference to Kyrgyz media.
According to the data, the volume of trading in shares and bonds on the Kyrgyz Stock Exchange amounted to 17.8 billion soms ($208.1 million) in 2022.
Most of the trading (94.4 percent) was conducted on the primary market of Kygyz stock exchange, the volume of which over the past year reached 16.8 billion soms ($196.4 million).
At the same time, the trading volume on the secondary market amounted to 1 billion soms ($11.7 million) in 2022.
Meanwhile, as of January 6, 2023, the official exchange rate set by the National Bank of Kyrgyzstan is KGS 85,68/1USD.