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Iran seizes vessel carrying smuggled fuel in southern waters

15 August 2022 [19:54] - TODAY.AZ

By Trend

Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) seized a vessel carrying more than 22,000 liters of smuggled fuel in the southern waters of the country, Trend reports citing Xinhua.

Upon detecting the vessel, the IRGC's naval forces seized it and impounded the smuggled fuel, Chief Justice of Iran's Hormuzgan Province Mojtaba Qahremani was quoted by IRNA as saying.

Punishments for fuel smugglers include financial penalties, imprisonment, and confiscation of illegal properties, according to Qahremani.

The ownership of the seized vessel will be transferred to the Iranian government, he noted.

On Wednesday, Qahremani said Iran's naval forces seized a vessel carrying about 277,000 liters of smuggled fuel in the southern waters, semi-official Mehr news agency reported.


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