TODAY.AZ / Politics

French co-chair: The closer you are to conclusion, the more complicated problems you face

18 July 2009 [10:18] - TODAY.AZ
“We are working to achieve an agreement between the presidents on Madrid Principles we proposed two years ago”, OSCE Minsk Group French Co-Chair Bernard Fassier said after the meeting between Azerbaijani and Armenian presidents on July 17 in Moscow.
The diplomat said considerable progress was achieved in the past period, but it was not enough to achieve agreement between the presidents.

Fassier said serious and constructive discussions were held at the Moscow meeting. “The presidents and we discussed wide range of issues. The presidents need time to value these discussions. Fortunately, there will be a some break to value today’s negotiations”.

The mediator added that the Moscow meeting was sixth in past 13 months. “It means that both presidents had many meetings, but earlier we didn’t see the presidents to talk about complicated issues so openly and directly. The Prague, St Petersburg and this meeting encourage us to say that we approach the point of agreement on the Madrid Principles”.


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