TODAY.AZ / Politics

Azerbaijani MP: Azerbaijani government oversees migration issues

09 July 2009 [13:21] - TODAY.AZ
The Azerbaijani state oversees the migration issues in the country.
Azerbaijani parliament’s human rights commission chair Rabiyat Aslanova said in her interview with the ruling New Azerbaijan Party Web site.

She said Azerbaijan is also witnessing migration and immigration processes.

Nearly 4,000 migrants have permanent registration in Azerbaijan, Aslanova said. Over 54,000 migrants have obtained residence permit of more than a month.

Total 8,574 appealed to the State Migration Service in 2008: 32 of them were granted status of immigrant, 1,359 – temporary residence permit and 1,40 extended term of permit in Azerbaijan. Only one of the 87 individuals were granted refugee status.

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