TODAY.AZ / Politics

Mail.Ru keeps on ignoring Azerbaijan’s interests

08 July 2009 [13:26] - TODAY.AZ
Mail.Ru, one of the biggest portals in Russia, whose has monthly audience of more than 52 million users, continues to ignore the interests of Azerbaijan and to engage in a double game.

Mail.Ru, violating all international norms and regulations from time to time at its Web site, questions Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity.

The last mistake was that one of the largest Mail.Ru projects My World (has 25 million users) indicates Khankandi as Armenian city along with other cities. Despite numerous letters by Day.Az readers, the mistake has not been corrected yet.

Another Mail.Ru project Maps also made a mistake. It you write Khankandi in the search, the map shows Khankandi-Armenia and Khankandi-Azerbaijan.

We call on Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies of Azerbaijan to intervene in the afore-said matter. We can not remain silent. The silence will contribute to further major errors concerning our country.

We also call the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Russia to quickly intervene in the issues and require the company Mail.Ru as soon as possible to remove the information from the site that calls into question the facts relating to the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. We hope Azerbaijani embassy in Moscow will take measures in this regard. 



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