TODAY.AZ / Politics

Strategic Research Center official: Concrete progress in official talks required to make people’s diplomacy successful

07 July 2009 [13:09] - TODAY.AZ
“Today there is a need for concrete progress and breakthrough in terms of coordinating basic principles of conflict resolution to make people's diplomacy successful.”
Head of the Strategic Research Center Foreign Policy Department under President Gulshan Pashayeva said.

“Inter-state conflict is difficult to resolve because their cause is not only objective and rational interests of a State, but also implicit factors including irrational fears and prejudices that persist in different societies,” she said.

“As a result, the conflict is a process that occurs not only in relations between two governments and nations, but also societies,” Pashayeva said.  

She said this is why people's diplomacy is a now an integral part of the negotiation process and could provide substantial assistance in the implementation of decisions taken at the official level.

She also believes that Azerbaijani community of Nagorno-Karabakh should be actively involved in future dealings as a part of the people’s diplomacy.

“Today, when people's diplomacy is once again the focus of public attention, it seems to me that it is high time to define a unified strategy for future activities in this direction, to coordinate efforts of a state and society and enhance role of the Azerbaijani community of Nagorno Karabakh,” she said.


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