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President Ilham Aliyev receives Azerbaijani and Armenian intellectuals - PHOTO (UPDATE )

04 July 2009 [09:30] - TODAY.AZ
Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev received Azerbaijani and Armenian intellectuals


At the initiative of the embassies of Azerbaijan and Armenia to the Russian Federation and support of the OSCE, a group of Azerbaijani and Armenian intellectuals have today visited Khankendi, Shusha and, then, traveled to Armenia where they met President Serzh Sargsyan.

Later that day, the group left Yerevan for Baku where they were received by President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.
The group included Armenian ambassador to Russia Armen Smbatyan, editor-in-chief of Arovot newspaper Aram Abramian, director of the Mediamaks news agency Ara Tadevosian, journalist of the Novoye Vrema newspaper Armen Khanbabyan, members of Armenian parliament Ermine Nagdalyan, Mkhitar Mnasakanyan, footballer Eduard Markarov, director of the S. Paradjanov museum Zaven Sargsyan, director of the Public Organization Shushan Katlamadjan, medical worker from Nagorno-Karabakh Lyudmila Grigaryan, Russian President`s special envoy for international cultural cooperation Mikhail Shvidkoy, members of the Azerbaijan parliament Asim Mollazade, Rovshan Rzayev, Rector of the National Conservatory Siyavush Karimi, chief of cultural department of the Shusha Executive Power Zahid Abbasov, editor-in-chief of the Karabakh newspaper Chingiz Ismayilov.
On the Azerbaijan`s stance on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, the Head of State said resolution of the problem must be based on Azerbaijan`s territorial integrity and inviolability of frontiers only, with granting high autonomy status to Nagorno-Karabakh.


Representatives of culture must do their best to change climate and atmosphere between Armenian and Azerbaijani peoples, Representative of the President of Russia on international cultural cooperation Mikhail Shvydkoi said, Novosti-Armenia said.

"I think it is important. We are here on this regards," Shvydkoi told media outlets after meeting with Armenian President Serzh Sarkisian in Yerevan on July 3. Azerbaijani and Armenian ambassador to Russia Polad Bulbuloglu and Armen Smbatyan participated in this meeting.  

Diplomats arrived to Yerevan from Hankendi. They were in delegation of Azerbaijani parliament to implement people's diplomacy. The delegation will arrive in Baku after Yerevan.

Shvydkoi explained that earlier three former ministers of culture but now three ambassadors gathered to assist two peoples, ordinary people to realize what happens between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

"We do not interfere and can not interfere in political and military talks between presidents. It is very important and responsible aspect to solve relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia. We as representatives of culture do not want to interfere," he said. 

Numerous political problems were revealed after discussions conducted last days, Shvydkoi said.   

"People are strained towards each other after 15 years of neither peace nor war passed after reconciliation," he said. 

Shvydkoi said that Azerbaijanis and Armenians not only live together in Russia but conduct business and trust each other. If they live, work in other country, why they can not do it together.

"I think that Moscow declaration signed by our three presidents and their meeting in July has certain hopes. Civil society must do its best," he said.

Azerbaijani, Armenia and Russian presidents signed the declaration on Nagorno-Karabakh as a result of trilateral meeting held in Meiendorf castle under Moscow on November 2, 2008. They agreed to work together over improvement of situation on Caucasus, as well as charged foreign ministers to continue work on Nagorno-Karabakh settlement.

In his turn, Armenian extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador to Russia Armen Smbatyan said that settlement of relations passes to cultural sphere.

"Nobody excluded notion of neighbors. We can love or can not, respect or not but we are obliged to establish relations and look forward to future," he said.

Smbatyan said that representatives of culture, authoritative and active representatives play important role.

"Earlier we said that we could not deal with politics. It concerns presidents and foreign ministers. But if we do not do anything, it would not be perceived by people. We must do our best," he said.

According to Azerbaijani extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador to Russia Polad Bulbuloglu, constructive meeting was held with Armenian President Serzh Sarkisian.  

"He listened to everybody attentively. We were pleased to realize that he considers initiatives of civil society with attention, understanding," ambassador said by expressing gratitude to presidents of both republics created opportunity for such a meeting.

/Trend News/


A bad peace is better than war

Azerbaijani member of parliament Asim Mollazade said at a news conference in Khankandi.

“Today both Armenia and Azerbaijan, the two nations have a chance to reach peace. This requires hard work and seeking solution which would enable to restore stability and peace and ensure prosperity in the South Caucasus. Both Azerbaijan and Armenia must work on this track and international organizations must help,” he said.

Mollazade noted that negotiations is going on at the moment and there is serious progress, Armenian media reported.

“I think that a lot of steps were taken to achieve peace following signing of the Moscow Declaration,” said the MP from the opposition.

He also noted that his presence in Khankandi shows that not only ruling party but also Azerbaijani opposition is interested in peace.

/ANS Press/

Azerbaijani, Armenian ambassadors to Russia visit Karabakh accompanied by head of Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography

Azerbaijani and Armenian ambassadors to Russia Polad Bulbul oglu and Armen Smbatyan headed for Yerevan accompanied with Russian Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography head Mikhail Shvidki and representatives of Azerbaijani public organizations, reported.

First such visit took place on June 28, 2007. The Azerbaijani and Armenian intellectuals visited Khankendi, Yerevan and Baku in that time.

Head of the Russian Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography Mikhail Shvidkoy accompanies the ambassadors during the visit, APA reports quoting

The ambassadors will meet with head of the separatist regime of Nagorno Karabakh Bako Saakyan and the journalists on Friday.


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