TODAY.AZ / Politics

Resolution of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict possible only upon Russia, U.S. consent: Azerbaijani Social Research Fund

10 June 2009 [13:51] - TODAY.AZ
Real results on resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict can be achieved only upon U.S. and Russia's consent, Social Research Fund President Rashad Rzaguliyev said during round table "At Focus of Iran-Azerbaijan Ties."
"There is a strong geopolitical game between West, interests of which are represented by the U.S., and Russia in the region. Each of them is trying to kick out rival from the region. It means that South Caucasus will turn into a region divided by conflicts soon," Rzaguliyev said.

He said coming visit of the Israeli president to Azerbaijan is an element of game.

Shimon Peres will visit Azerbaijan on June 28.

"The West provokes Russia and Iran to take certain measures as in case of Georgia. The same can happen to Azerbaijan while military operations can be provoked by Iran," Rzaguliyev said.

He said it not difficult for Iranian forces to enter Azerbaijan.

"I think there is no need to play with interests of neighboring countries such as Iran and Russia. I am glad that Azerbaijan is not under influence of certain forces," he added.

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