TODAY.AZ / Politics

Azerbaijani ruling party proposes to amend Election Code

09 June 2009 [16:14] - TODAY.AZ
Member of parliament from Azerbaijani ruling party proposes to make certain amendments to the Election Code.
"Amendments and additions to the Code are crucial for municipal elections. The amendments are necessitated by gaps that appeared after president elections and referendum," ruling New Azerbaijan Party Deputy Executive Secretary and MP Siyavush Novruzov said.

Amendments and additions were made to the Election Code after discussion between Azerbaijani government and Venice Commission prior to the October 15 presidential elections. Under changes, presidential candidates are prohibited to stage free campaign in state television and radio. The campaign will be staged under Law on Advertising in private television channels.

The previous Election Code stipulated 6 six hours of air time in state television and radio for candidates. Candidates could also campaign in private channels at the same time. Now presidential candidates can have free air time only on the Public Television.

The amendments and additions do not reflect formation of election commissions on equal basis.  

Novruzov said observer institution must be improved and status of the commission members must be specified in the Election Code.

He said the Law on Political Parties must be aligned with the Constitution and Election Code.

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