TODAY.AZ / Politics

Presidential administration official: If negotiations proceed this way and no progress is achieved, Azerbaijan can change its position

09 June 2009 [08:58] - TODAY.AZ
“There was no progress in Prague and Saint Petersburg we expected and the co-chairs promised”, said chief of Foreign Relations Department of the Presidential Administration Novruz Mammadov in his exclusive interview to APA.
“Despite that the St. Petersburg meeting was hosted by the Russian president and expected to be different from Pargue, there was no serious difference”, said Mammadov.

He said the co-chairs made statements that the document would be signed on basic principles soon, but there was no progress so far. “The co-chairs introduce Armenia as constructive country with a constructive president to the international community, and therefore the world thinks that they are going to the negotiations, everything is OK and there is no need to concern over it. If the negotiations go in this way and no progress is achieved, Azerbaijan can change its position. The negotiations should be continued to disclose the liars”.

The department chief didn’t rule out the Azerbaijani and Armenian presidents’ meeting in July and said the meeting could take place in Russia again.

Answering the question about possibility of Nagorno Karabakh Azerbaijani community’s joining the negotiations Mammadov said the establishing of the community didn’t aim the meeting with the co-chairs only. “It is possible, We think that both Azerbaijani and Armenian communities of Nagorno Karabakh can join the negotiations in certain phases if there is necessity of their participation. The time doesn’t come still. There was one goal in the founding congress of the community. Azerbaijani lands – Nagorno Karabakh and seven regions around it are under the Armenian occupation for 20 years. Everything was destroyed there. The schools, mosques, hospitals, museums, cultural monuments and houses were destroyed. It is necessary to inform Europe and the United States about these and all realities around the Nagorno Karabakh. There are various methods – visits, Internet, press and other media bodies - to deliver information about that. I think the community leadership will take active part in this sphere after the congress”.


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