TODAY.AZ / Politics

Israeli ambassador to Azerbaijan says visit of Israeli president to Azerbaijan has nothing to do with Iran

05 June 2009 [13:40] - TODAY.AZ
Iran worries about the upcoming visit of Israeli president Schimon Perez to Azerbaijan in vain, said Israeli ambassador to Baku Artur Lenk, according to Interfax-Azerbaijan.
"The visit has nothing to do with Iran. During it we will touch upon issues, not affecting the interests of the third countries", announced Lenk, commenting on the sharp statements of chief of the general staff of the armed forces of Isran Hasan Firuzabadi about the visit of Israeli president to Azerbaijan.

The ambassador noted that during the visit the sides will discuss a whole range of bilateral Azerbaijani-Israeli relations.

"We are looking forward this visit", said the diplomat.

Lenk also noted that the visit envisions signing a number of documents. Perez is expected to visit Azerbaijan on June 28 of this year. 

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