TODAY.AZ / Politics

Ziyad Samedzade: "Living conditions in Nagorno Karabakh Autonomous Republic were better than in overall Azerbaijan before the Nagono Karabakh conflict"

28 January 2009 [15:09] - TODAY.AZ
Before 1986 NKAO outstripped the average republican level on industrial growth rates, said academician Ziyad Samedzade, chairman of the standing economic commission of Milli Medjlis, vice president of the International Economists Union, regarding the state of Nagorno Karabakh before the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan arose.

If the overall republican level in Azerbaijan was 178.7%, said he, adding that by the per capita volume of industrial production NKAO was a leader among other regions of the country.

"The coverage of families with stationary phones in NKAO made 42%, while in overall Azerbaijan this indicator was 31.1%. In 1986 the monetary per capita incomes in NKAO topped 1113.5 roubles which is 97.8 rubles higher than in the whole Azerbaijan.

This figures prove that living conditions in Nagorno Karabakh Autonomous Republic were better than in overall Azerbaijan before the Nagorno Karabakh conflict", said Samedzade.

"Now let's pass to the state of today: Nagorno Karabakh, occupied by Armenia and not recognized by anyone, can not be compared with the least developed region of Azerbaijan. That is the price of occupation of Nagorno Karabakh by Armenia, that is a price of the evil policy of Armenian separatists", concluded the academician.


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