TODAY.AZ / Politics

Goran Lennmarker: "The border between Armenia and Turkey will soon open"

05 December 2008 [10:33] - TODAY.AZ
"2008 was a good year in the sense of the resolution of the Karabakh conflict. I have often recalled the so-called golden opportunity, and after today's meeting it seems to me that the work on the basic principles will complete next spring and them it will be possible to work at the agreement. But everything certainly depends on the will of the parties", said special rapporteur of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly on South Ossetia and Nagorno Karabakh Goran Lennmarker in the interval of the session of the Foreign ministers of the OSCE member-states.

"There are moments that can be settled and there are still differences but I believe that the sides can resolve them. I have today met with Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan. My message to him was that the process must proceed and complete as soon as possible. Certainly, this is difficult, but it seems to me that today it is time to decide, though it may be a difficult decision as it is related to your country. Today the resolution of the Karabakh conflict is important, as your region is not stable.

Commenting on the Turkish mediation in the conflict, Lennmarker noted that this is a good initiative and it is good not only for Azerbaijan but also for Armenia. Lennmarker voiced hope that the border between Armenia and Turkey will open soon.

Lennmarker also noted that the financial crisis is observed in the world and this certainly affects the Caucasus: "In this situation the region must unite and be friends. It is one of those European experiences, which could be useful for you".

Lennmarker also announced that he plans to visit the region in February.


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