TODAY.AZ / Politics

Change yourself or do not demand democracy

04 December 2008 [11:27] - TODAY.AZ
There have recently appeared numerous publications regarding the development of democracy and creation of civil society.

There are articles which are quite academic and there are some superficial ones. But on the whole, everyone would agree that democracy must be developed. This is an axiom.

What is "democracy" for an average Azerbaijani? How do our citizens perceive it? Does it mean everything fair or any privileges for him personally? Does democracy mean for him that he can say whatever he wants but no one can say anything about him? Does he perceive democracy as a personal responsibility or considers that everything must be decided for him? Does he understand that democracy is not just a personal comfort but also minimal education and knowledge and at least observance of rules of politeness? You know, I have no unambiguous answers to this question. And I do not think anybody has. To live in a democratic society and to perceive democracy is a great many of factors and moments, which can not be inoculated by any directives even if from the most respectable and influential persons. Democracy is rules of a game, perceived and adhered to by the majority of the public.

Are we ready to it? I doubt it. I don't want anyone to perceive my ideas as pessimistic. By no way it is like that. We merely have to think and analyze who we are and what we want in order to think about future.

And the most important question is: are we ready to change ourselves?

For example, a newspaper, which seems to consider itself a demonstrator of democratic views, every day publishes articles with loud titles that the Minister on Emergency Situations and the Minister of Transport are either beating each others or curse, meanwhile, selling their country. At the same time, all these publications have no proofs and are published without any facts. This is democracy in the opinion of the authors of these materials. But if these ministers file a claim against them, it will be a dictatorship for them. They will start to shout out about their rights, our human rights activists will create committees for protection, the cries for help will drown the sounds of Baku wedding parties. It means that democracy is when I say whatever and whenever I want but you must sit and bear it all.

This is anything but democracy. I would like to repeat that democracy is primarily a responsibility before oneself and the public.

A smart high ranking official from Washington, recently visiting our country, had an interesting talk with my colleagues and I was also here. I asked him whether he had seen how cars are driven in Baku? He laughingly said yes. I told him that democracy is thus perceived in our country. People think: I drive wherever I want, I park wherever I want, I do not let passersby go and I signal wherever and whenever I want and if road police imposes a fine on me, they are the worst men on the planet.

By the way, I, certainly, understand that the number of cars increased, but in most cases traffic jams are created due to the absence of the culture of conduct. Therefore, I would like to repeat that democracy is the observance of basic rules of politeness.

I have no special intention to defend the road police or any officials. All of them have their own sins. I am merely sharing my observations. As is known, there are more bribe givers than bribe takers (I apologize for the careless style). Who are these bribe givers? Are they aliens? Are they from any other country? No, these are our own citizens. We, who adhere to the principle "let me get involved in corruption" instead of the "stop corruption" principle, have encouraged it. We encourage it when we want our children not to study, when we do not want to stand in queues, when we park when we want and so on. I think the presidential elections have become a great stimulus both for development of democracy and political culture. (I rule out all sayings that strong oppositionists did not take part. If they are strong, they must have demonstrated their power in the game).

It is necessary to do a justice to Ilham Aliyev. In his inauguration speech he thanked his opponents. This is a start of tradition, a wonderful tradition, when political opponents turn out to be strong enough to recognize their defeat. It should be noted that in 2004 Ilham Aliyev suggested a dialogue with opposition (this suggestion was rejected), then pardoned Iskender Hemidov, Suret Huseynov, Rehim Gaziyev and most others. People, who were considered disgraced even among their surroundings, were appointed at high diplomatic positions by our president. He offered to the ministers, who want to engage in the politics, to resign and deal with the political activity.

That is Ilham Aliyev has even overpassed his part of the way. These were changes, which continue. Even the permission to the editor of Azadlyg newspaper and his brother to attend their father's funeral is new in traditions of political culture (those, who read Russian press, know that UKOS lawyer, a pregnant woman, was not pardoned).

I go back to the same thesis: you want democracy, then change yourself first.

Anar Mamedkhanov
Deputy of Milli Medjlis of Azerbaijan


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