TODAY.AZ / Politics

Head of "Shushi" foundation: "The Moscow declaration made it clear that the Karabakh party is excluded from the settlement process"

10 November 2008 [16:48] - TODAY.AZ
The "Shushi" foundation (Shushi-the name for the Azerbaijani city of Shusha occupied by Armenians) calls on the world community to recognize "Nagorno Karabakh" as a party for negotiations.
The "Shushi" charity foundation calls on the powers of Armenia and "NKR", as well as the OSCE Minsk group, UN, European parliament and other international structures to promote restoration of the violated right of the "Nagorno karabakh people" and recognize "NKR" as a party to the negotiation process on the Karabakh conflict settlement, said head of the "Shushi" foundation Bakur Karapetyan.

He said the "Movement for Justice" has been created by initiative of the "Shushi" foundation for the purpose.

"In 1988 Azerbaijan declared war to "Nagorno Karabakh" and it turns out that after the war Karabakh is a party for the conflict. At the initial stage, this was like that but now Nagorno karabakh is not involved into the negotiation process and Armenia is a party.

It all creates an impression of the world community that Armenia is an aggressor and it occupied the Azerbaijani lands", said Karapetyan and added that considering this situation, official Baku is setting itself up for a victim and demands from Yerevan to restore the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.

According to the head of the "Shushi" foundation, the Armenian political elite, speaking as a party in the conflict, is now in a diplomatic trap, set by Azerbaijan and Turkey.

"Article 8 of the Helsinki final act, adopted in 1975, says that "the right of people for self-determination is a vitally important principle".

In fact, the right of people for self-determination is a common international law. Taking this into account, Baku and Ankara have deliberately excluded Karabakh from the negotiation process and replaced it with Armenia. In fact, Armenia must speak only as a mediator and guarantor of security of its people", noted Karapetyan and added that today they do not demand from official Yerevan to recognize independence of "NKR" as it will cause new problems.

"We just want "Nagorno Karabakh" to restore its right and take part in the talks on the conflict settlement, but the Moscow declaration made it clear that the Karabakh side has been completely excluded from this process", noted Karapetyan.


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