TODAY.AZ / Politics

Iranian Foreign Minister lists Azerbaijan among key countries of the region

31 July 2008 [09:59] - TODAY.AZ
The 15th conference of Foreign Ministers of the member-states of Non-Aligned movement (NAM) opened in Tehran.
According to Iranian PRESS TV channel, deputy Foreign Minister of Armenia Gegam Garibjanyan, attending the conference, met with Foreign Minister of Iran Manuchokhr Mottaki.

During the meeting Mottaki stressed importance of peace initiatives, discussed during the conference of the Foreign Ministers of the member-states of the Non-Aligned Movement.

"New ideas on establishing peace, preventing hostilities and economic development, presented during the NAM conference, can be critical for the world society", said the Iranian Foreign Minister.

At the same time, he added that Armenia, Iran, Turkey and Azerbaijan are the key states in the region.

In turn, Garibjanyan thanked the Iranian authorities for efforts, which promoted inclusion of three Armenian churches of Iran into the list of UNESCO global heritage.

The conference of the NAM Foreign Ministers was attended by representatives of about 110 member-states of the movement, as well as officials from observer countries, including Armenia.


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