TODAY.AZ / Politics

Armenian Foreign Minister: "The meeting will allow the Presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia to state continuation of talks on the resolution of Nagorno Karabakh conflict"

03 June 2008 [11:08] - TODAY.AZ
Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandyan is optimistic about the first meeting of President of Armenia Serzh Sarkissyan and President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, scheduled for June 6.

"We consider that this meeting will allow the presidents of the two countries state the continuation of the talks and instruct the Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan to continue talks on the resolution of the Karabakh conflict", announced the Minister.

He voiced confidence that the parties should create atmosphere of mutual trust and continue the talks.

"The November proposals of the OSCE Minsk Group, which are on the negotiation table, are serious enough and they will allow to promote the resolution of the Karabakh problem", said the Armenian Foreign Minister.

Nalbandyan said Armenia is ready to continue the talks on the basis of these proposals and Azerbaijan should also demonstrate political will.

Nalbandyan considers that Azerbaijan should stop "militaristic agitation" and prepare the society for the resolution of the Karabakh problem.

"Militaristic statements and criticism, addressed to mediators, do not promote the resolution of the counteraction, therefore, it is necessary to create favorable atmosphere", noted the Minister.


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