TODAY.AZ / Politics

"Our Azerbaijan" bloc to support Eldar Namazov's candidacy at presidential election in Azerbaijan

30 May 2008 [15:58] - TODAY.AZ
The political bloc "Our Azerbaijan" decided to support candidacy of the president of the forum "For the sake of Azerbaijan" Eldar Namazov during the presidential elections, reports the press service for the bloc.
The bloc representatives explain the decision saying that their position on the upcoming presidential elections coincide with Eldar Namazov's platform.

"Our Azerbaijan bloc calls on all political powers and public organizations to support president of the forum "For the sake of Azerbaijan" Eldar Namazov during the presidential elections", says the message.

It should be noted that the bloc is headed by chairman of the Turkic national party Vugar Beyturan.

The bloc includes party of national revival, Free Azerbaijan party, Turkic National Party, Yeni Turan party, Social Association Party and Democratic Personalities Party.


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