TODAY.AZ / Politics

EU receives first reaction to Iran nuclear offer

15 June 2006 [02:04] - TODAY.AZ
EU High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solana said today he held phone talks with Iran's chief nuclear negotiator, Ali Larijani.

According to RFE/RL, the talks were the first after Solana traveled to Tehran last week with a U.S.-backed package of incentives, and possible sanctions, to persuade Iran to give up uranium enrichment.

"I don't think that I [disclose] any secret if I say that I had a conversation today with Dr Larijani on the phone, [a] constructive conversation that will be followed by others," Solana said. "As I told you some days ago, we intend[ed] to have contact before the weekend, and we did. That's [all that] I can say at this point in time."

Solana will brief EU leaders on the talks at the upcoming EU summit.

The European Union is also expecting feedback from meetings expected to take place between Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad and Russian and Chinese leaders later this week in Shanghai, where he is attending a summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization as an observer.


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