TODAY.AZ / Politics

IJU demanded official Tehran to release Azerbaijani imprisoned

14 June 2006 [14:35] - TODAY.AZ
Today Iran Journalists Unity (IJU) held a press conference dedicated to humiliation of Azerbaijanis in the country press. Editor of "Leaf" newspaper, Seid Muganli stated.

Participating in the discussions Azerbaijani journalists - Alirza Alzafi editor-in-chief of Dilmaz journal), Seid Mezinpur (Maudid-idari newspaper editor), Ilgar Merendi (independent journalist) spoke of the articles humiliating Azerbaijani Turks in Iran-Persian press, APA reports.

Iran Journalist Unity (IJU) chairman Ali Alzafi demanded Ali Mejrui to implement measures preventing these humiliations, and presented the list of imprisoned in South Azerbaijan, to him.

The fact on journalists' being among the detained was especially noted. In the end of the discussions an appeal was adopted to the Government of Iran. In the appeal IJU demands releasing of imprisoned Azerbaijani journalists and implement measures to prevent of Azerbaijani Turks' being humiliated.

According to Muganli, though the impact of this appeal is less, but this is political success for Azerbaijanis living in Iran.


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