TODAY.AZ / Politics

Javad Derachti: "Turkey failed to protect Mahmoudali Chohraganli"

12 June 2006 [13:46] - TODAY.AZ
"Turkey is a great and powerful state. Therefore, Turkish authorities should have protected the leader of the South Azerbaijan National Awakening Movement, Mahmoudali Chohraganli for the sake of Turk-loving."

"However, Ankara failed to do this on some pretexts. As coming to the Azerbaijani government, its position regarding this issue is reasonable," head of the World Azerbaijanis Congress (WAC) Javad Derachti stated.

As APA reports, Mr. Derachti said he disagrees to calling the SANAM leader’s sending back from Azerbaijan as deportation.

"We, Southern Azeri Turks try not to give way a step that might cause Iran’s pressure on Azerbaijan. On the other hand, as far as I know, the US ambassador to Azerbaijan was also concerned about this issue and a common conclusion was arrived at. However, the Azerbaijani government should protect the rights of all Azerbaijanis all over the world and should demonstrate a political will for that," the WAC head said.

Derachti also said the struggle against the Persian regime is on and advised not to be pessimistic for the happenings regarding Chohraganli, "The national struggle will be continued and we'll hit the target regarding the South Azerbaijan issue soon."


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