TODAY.AZ / Politics

MPs refutes Ogtay Asadov's congratulating Armenian speaker

10 June 2006 [09:16] - TODAY.AZ
Azerbaijani parliamentarians Musa Guliyev and Asef Hajili held a press conference dedicated to their participation in the 27th plenary session of the Parliamentary Assembly of Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) in Yerevan.

According to APA, the parliamentarians said Azerbaijani media did not fairly covered their visit to Armenia and even made false information about that.

They refuted the reports that Azerbaijani parliament speaker Oghtay Asadov sent congratulations to the newly elected Armenian parliament speaker Tigran Torosyan. Hajiyev accused some pro-opposition papers of playing into Armenians' hands.

"The pro-opposition papers exaggerated disinformation of Armenian press. The authors of these stories have links with Armenians and back them," the parliamentarian said.

Hajiyev said it was important to attend the event in Armenia related to Azerbaijan’s taking over the presidency of the organization.

"Azerbaijan took over the presidency from Armenia in this event. If we did not attend it they would have proclaimed to the world that Azerbaijan boycotted the international organization’s work," he said.

He noted the next sitting of the organization will take place in Azerbaijan in November this year, "We have invited the Assembly participants to the meeting in Azerbaijan."

Guliyev said some media outlets made false reports on their visit to Yerevan.


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