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Azerbaijani president attends inauguration of renovated Garabagh University [PHOTOS]

20 September 2024 [10:39] - TODAY.AZ

On September 20, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev participated in the opening of Garabagh University in the city of Khankendi following its renovation, Azernews reports.

The head of state was informed about the conditions established at the higher education institution.

Extensive landscaping work has been carried out across the university, including the creation of a new 2.3-hectare park in front of the main academic building, replacing the previous park to meet modern requirements.

President Ilham Aliyev observed the renovations at Garabagh University.

The main building’s facade has been updated, and modern communication lines have been installed. Classrooms and administrative offices have been equipped to meet contemporary educational standards.

Garabagh University currently operates from three academic buildings. The main building houses the Faculty of Pedagogy, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Economics, and Faculty of Tourism. The second building is dedicated to the Faculty of Arts, while the third hosts the International Language Center.

To enhance students' theoretical knowledge with practical experience, six specialized laboratories have been established, focusing on Physics, Chemistry, Mechatronics, Robotics, Computer and Graphic Design, and Computer Programming.

The university library, designed to modern standards, can accommodate 200 students simultaneously and contains over 6,000 textbooks and various literature in Azerbaijani, English, and Russian. It also features an "Electronic Library" system for additional resources.

Initially, personnel training will be conducted across six faculties: Pedagogy, Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Economics, Engineering, and Tourism.

The university currently employs 160 staff members, including 60 academic personnel and 100 administrative and technical staff.

For the 2024/2025 academic year, the university has allocated 1,120 spots for undergraduate admissions. According to the results of the exams conducted by the State Examination Center, 1,104 students were admitted, achieving 98.5% of the admission plan.

Of those admitted to Garabagh University, 101 students scored over 600 points, and 385 scored more than 500. The highest score was 683.8 in the Law program. Moreover, an Olympiad winner was admitted to the Electrical and Electronics Engineering program without competition. The overall average admission score across all four specialization groups at Garabagh University was 467.6.

In the first academic year, SABAH groups were established at Garabagh University for the Law, English Language Teaching, Finance, and Accounting programs. A total of 60 students, selected from a competition held among first-year students from various universities, will continue their second year of studies in these SABAH groups.

The head of state met with the teaching staff and students of Garabagh University and delivered a speech at the event.

Speech by President Ilham Aliyev

- Good morning. First of all, I would like to sincerely congratulate you and all the people of Azerbaijan on the occasion of State Sovereignty Day. We are celebrating this day together in Khankendi, and I am sure that September 20 will be extensively celebrated in Azerbaijan from now on.

Exactly one year ago, the heroic Azerbaijan Army fully restored our state sovereignty. As a result of the anti-terror operation that lasted less than a day, separatists were wiped out, Azerbaijan fully ensured its state sovereignty, international law triumphed, and Azerbaijan showed its strength yet again. We always remember with great gratitude our heroic soldiers who have given us this day. We cherish and will always cherish the dear memory of our martyrs who died for the homeland. May Allah rest the souls of all our martyrs in peace. More than 3,200 of our heroic sons rose to the peak of martyrdom during the Patriotic War and the anti-terror operation. The courage and patriotism of our other heroic soldiers were key contributors to our Victory. More than 90,000 young Azerbaijanis participated in the Second Karabakh War for the sake of the homeland.

As you know, our glorious Army advanced every day for 44 days, and settlements were liberated from the invaders every day. As far as I know, there have been no similar military operations in the world’s military history. We did not step back even for a single day. Several villages, towns, and cities were liberated on a daily basis. Not a single person left the battlefield. In the meantime, according to Armenia’s own officials, there were more than 12,000 deserters in the Armenian army. What does this indicate? Of course, it shows the high moral qualities of our people. At the same time, it shows that the young people who put their chests forward were brought up in a spirit of patriotism, and the liberation of the Motherland was the most honorable mission for them. The young people who put their chests forward and were prepared to die lived with the mission of restoring our national dignity, and we did exactly that. Therefore, the moral and psychological edge once again shows our general superiority. As a country that has gone through a war, and as Commander-in-Chief, looking at and analyzing the factors that predetermined the outcomes of the war, I can say with full confidence that the national spirit and moral preparedness come first. Of course, professionalism, heroism, and the availability of equipment – all these are also important factors. But without moral superiority, without national thinking, not even the strongest army can ever win a victory.

As you know, there are wars, military conflicts, and clashes happening in many countries around the world these days. Their number is not decreasing, it is actually growing, and everything is quite obvious. We have sufficient opportunities and information to make comparisons. For 44 days, in this difficult geographical terrain, breaking through five, six, and at times even seven lines of enemy defense, advancing every day, climbing from the bottom to the top, sustaining losses, and liberating the impregnable fortress of Shusha by climbing its steep rocks with only light weapons – what other army has displayed similar heroism and showed such professionalism in modern history? This is the truth.

Of course, we are rightfully proud of this Victory and our soldiers, and we always will be. But I am sure that every impartial analyst, military expert, and objective person should be able to reach the same conclusion after analyzing the entire 44-day history of this heroism.

As for the anti-terror operation, the operation, which lasted only a few hours, ended with a complete victory for the Azerbaijan Army. The military contingent of the Armenian army, numbering more than 15,000, was completely paralyzed, and after just a few hours, we began discussing terms of capitulation with them. It is said that it took 23 hours, yes, the whole process took 23 hours. However, the military part of this process lasted only a few hours. All this is further evidence of the strength of our state, the determination of our people, and the upbringing and skills of the young generation. The Second Karabakh War and the anti-terror operation allowed Azerbaijan not only to restore international law, not only to restore its national pride, but also to demonstrate to the whole world that injustice cannot last forever.

During the occupation, I had many meetings with former IDPs. As you know, the state implemented several important projects to improve their living conditions. Almost every year, we relocated 15,000-20,000 former IDPs to new settlements, houses, and apartments, and thus their standard of living kept on improving. More than 300,000 formerly displaced people had already been moved from those dormitories, those unsuitable places and kindergartens. However, at the same time, every time I met with them, I told them that this was only their temporary residence, and that the day would come when better conditions would be created for them in the liberated lands. I believed it, they believed it, all our people believed it, and we all lived with this idea. At the same time, over the years, I could see that their hopes were slowly dwindling. And this was natural because the occupation lasted nearly 30 years.

Thousands, tens of thousands of former IDPs did not live to this day of Victory. They passed away. Of course, when analyzing the processes going on in the world, the current injustices, the failure of international law, the great powers backing Armenia, when analyzing all this, the geopolitical situation, some people could have thought that we had to live under this occupation forever. We have shattered all these theses and all these paradigms. We have demonstrated that with strong will, professionalism, patriotism, and a young generation raised in the national spirit, no force can stand in the way of that nation-not the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th defense lines, nor the geographical advantage of the Armenian army, as they were positioned on all the hills—and not even the great powers or countries that armed Armenia and provided it with moral and physical support. Look, when all these factors come together, no one can stand in the way of that people. We have shown the entire world and the peoples still suffering from occupation or even colonialism today that they must live with faith. Faith must never be broken. If faith is broken, then justice can never prevail. But there is justice in the world. As President, I also thought at certain times that there was no justice in the world. But I knew that in order to achieve this justice, you have to secure it yourself, it will not fall from the sky. You may be right, the whole world may acknowledge and know that you are right, but there will be no result. Therefore, this should be the basis for our future activities. Of course, our example serves as a beacon of hope for many people still suffering from occupation and facing injustices today. This is important. But the main goal for our people in the future is to rely on our own strength, to remain strong, to build a powerful state, and to depend on no one, bowing down to no one. Of course, there must be a state policy to ensure this, and there is. There must also be unity in our society, and there is. The 44-day Patriotic War showed that there is probably no other country where society would demonstrate such unity as ours. The generation coming after us, the young people, should also follow this path. First of all, they should be educated in the national spirit, they should be attached to their culture, traditions, and moral values. They should not be influenced by anyone and should not be misguided by various promises. This 30-year period of the occupation of our lands showed it. Almost all great powers, all of them, wanted to make this occupation permanent. No one wanted our people to get rid of this occupation. In other words, they wanted to constantly keep us under pressure, to constantly use this occupation as a tool of influence, to secure their own interests and, as a result, to make us come to terms with this situation. During the occupation, visitors from different capitals repeatedly said that there was no military solution to this issue, to this conflict. You may also remember that there was a thesis – there is no military solution to this conflict and that it should be solved peacefully. At the same time, it was not called “the First Karabakh” at that time, but the results of the Karabakh war should also be taken into account. In other words, what did they want us to come to terms with? With defeat. They wanted our people to come to terms with that defeat.

Another thesis was that it was necessary to start cooperating with Armenia. Various seminars were held through non-governmental organizations. Certain people among us sold themselves to foreign circles, attended those trainings and mingled with Armenians, made deals, united and organized joint meetings with them. What kind of contacts could we have with the bloodthirsty enemy who had committed the Khojaly genocide and razed all our cities and villages in the Karabakh region to the ground? But the goal of those who wanted to make this occupation eternal was that the future generation, the young generation should no longer want war, that we should make peace with Armenia and the occupation would remain in place. We, the people of Azerbaijan, crushed all these plans, we overturned them. This is exactly why we have come under pressure to this day. Every morning, I review the media, including articles about Azerbaijan published in different parts of the world. Early this morning, I again saw how many baseless accusations are leveled against us. Politicians and officials of various Western countries, official representatives of some countries make unacceptable statements that Azerbaijan has allegedly occupied Karabakh. This is the peak of hypocrisy. How can a country occupy its own land? Our war was a war of liberation. In other words, those saying this, those making these accusations against us know this perfectly very well. Simply put, double standards, hypocrisy, Islamophobia and hostility towards our people - we must never forget this and the younger generation must remember this. Because, of course, you did not live in those years and read about that period from history books. Therefore, teachers in both secondary schools and universities have a great responsibility on their shoulders. I would like to specifically mention our teachers and their work today. Because they have played a huge role in educating our youth in the spirit of patriotism, and they are still playing this role today. There are two sources of education - family and teacher. Fortunately, family values prevail in Azerbaijan and this should always be the case. This stems from our traditions. At the same time, in some Western countries, family values have completely deformed, and all of us are rightly disgusted about that. Therefore, family values and family education should be protected in the first place. Let me say again that teachers are working hard and effectively to improve the knowledge of children and young people and, at the same time, to educate them in the spirit of patriotism. The Second Karabakh War showed this. Young people who had never seen Karabakh were prepared to die for it, they were ready to die, they were martyred, they were injured. And yet they did not stop and secured this Victory. Many of our servicemen placed in military hospitals were asking the doctors, “Put me back on my feet as soon as possible and let me go back to the war again”. There were many of them. After treatment, lightly wounded servicemen volunteered to the war zone.

We are also opening the Garabagh University today. This opening could be held on any day, but I thought it would be best if we held it on September 20. Because this is our glorious history. I believe that the establishment of the Garabagh University is a historic event, and a relevant order was signed in November last year. Then I visited here. This is my third visit here and all the instructions have been given. The Ministry of Science and Education took all the necessary measures in a prompt manner. It is possible to say that the building has been reconstructed. This building was constructed by Azerbaijani architects and builders during the Soviet era. During the occupation, certain work was done to make it Armenian. Those signs have now been completely erased. The front of the building has been opened and a beautiful park has been created. A master plan has been developed, i.e. new educational buildings will be established in the coming years, perhaps in the next three years. A beautiful dormitory has been created and I visited it today. Most importantly, young people, i.e. students, have started to come here with great enthusiasm. I was told that there are 1,200 students. There are students from every region of our country. Those who have performed well in admission tests, including those who scored more than 600 points, are attending this meeting and have come here with great enthusiasm. The teaching team has also been formed. I am aware that teachers are also very enthusiastic about this work, and I do hope that the Garabagh University becomes one of our leading universities. There are all possibilities to do this. According to the information available, six faculties have already been established. A medical faculty will also be established in the coming years. The Faculty of Agrarian Sciences will operate in Khojaly and Faculty of Tourism will be based in Shusha. In other words, it will be a university spanning over several cities. Of course, former IDPs who will return to Karabakh, their children will study here, and young people from all over our country will come here.

This is our historical land, and I am sure that there is no one in Azerbaijan who does not know this. They know it in the world that the city of Khankendi was an ancient Azerbaijani settlement and its name indicates that it was Khan's village. However, as a result of the policy of hostility against Azerbaijan and our people, our control here was either weak or completely non-existent for many years. Because the three agreements signed at the beginning of the 19th century – Kurakchay, Gulustan and Turkmanchay – actually paved the way for subsequent occupation. It was after these agreements that Armenians, who had never lived in the land of Karabakh before, were moved here en masse from Iran and Eastern Anatolia. This is the truth, this is accurate history. Armenia and Armenian scientists, as always, tried to create a fictional history by distorting facts and managed to mislead the international community to some extent through their lobbying networks.

At the beginning of the 20th century, further hostile steps were taken against our people. In 1923, the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast was created in Karabakh, within the Azerbaijan Soviet Republic, without any basis whatsoever. This province was subordinated to the center of the Soviet Union. This was yet another step to sever this region from the rest of Azerbaijan. Three years prior to that, they had taken Zangezur away from us, i.e. Western Zangezur, in a completely unjustifiable manner. They did this in November 1920, a few months after the fall of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic. In 1923, they planted another time bomb on our lives, and then a policy of massive Armenianization was carried out here. The Soviet government deliberately brought Armenians here from various places, including Armenia itself, in order to increase the number of Armenians within the former autonomous province. At the same time, there was no proper response to the separatist tendencies here. However, after National Leader Heydar Aliyev came to power in Azerbaijan 1969, all of the separatist nests here were destroyed and stability set in. In the former Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast, the number of Azerbaijanis increased from 9 percent to approximately 30 percent. The railway was built so that Azerbaijanis from different regions could come here faster. A railway station was built in Khankendi and major infrastructure projects were implemented – the Sarsang and Sugovushan reservoirs, which the Armenians used to deprive us of water during the occupation. Several enterprises were established, and Azerbaijanis working in those enterprises came here from different regions, including the Karabakh region. All this was going on. However, after Heydar Aliyev had resigned in 1987, separatists rose their head yet again, and this time it cost our people very dearly. The young people are probably unaware that two weeks after Heydar Aliyev's resignation, a Soviet Armenian scientist published an article in the French newspaper L'Humanité suggesting that the “Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast” should be severed from Azerbaijan and annexed to Armenia. In a matter of two weeks - Heydar Aliyev was no longer in power – a movement started here in Khankendi and in Armenia and various organizations were created. The central government, i.e. the leadership of the Soviet Union, turned a blind eye to that. It actually encouraged separatists, Armenian nationalists, inciting them to become more active. The task was to separate Nagorno-Karabakh from the rest of Azerbaijan. Unfortunately, the then-leaders of Azerbaijan showed weakness, cowardice and sometimes even betrayal. Both in the late 1980s and early 1990s, we lost lands as a result of the treachery and cowardice of the communist and Popular Front government.

Azerbaijanis were driven out of Khankendi, after then, four months after the declaration of independence, the Khojaly genocide was committed in February 1992. Shusha and Lachin were occupied in May 1992 and Kalbajar in April 1993. Thus, if we look at the map, we can see that this entire region went out of our control and a geographical link was actually created between Armenia and the Karabakh region. This was our history.

Again, paying tribute to the memory of the National Leader today, we are saying again and see that if he had not come to Azerbaijan in 1993 at the request of the people, Azerbaijan could have been completely disappeared from the world map. Stability was established, development was initiated and construction began. The logical result of the construction and development work is November 8, Victory Day, the liberation of Shusha and Armenia’s capitulation. Subsequent history is already well known. If we analyze all our steps and the work we did from November 2020 to September 2023, we can see that each step was a logical continuation of the previous step, and the ultimate goal of each step was September 20, State Sovereignty Day.

Let me greet you from the bottom of my heart again. I can talk a lot about the history of Azerbaijan because I have lived this history, the history of the last 30 years, and visiting Karabakh, the free Karabakh today, seeing you, seeing the smiling faces of the students in the dormitory, on that balcony is a truly great happiness. There can hardly be any greater happiness than this. I wish our teachers and students every success. Work hard and study well, so that Azerbaijan always gets the upper hand, so that Azerbaijan is always on top - on the battlefield, if necessary, in the economic field and in the political field! I congratulate you.

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President Ilham Aliyev also toured the university’s park, where greening activities have been carried out on an area of 1.1 hectares, providing ideal relaxation spaces for both faculty and students.

The visit concluded with a commemorative photo taken with the university’s faculty and students.


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