TODAY.AZ / Politics

Azerbaijan's annual gender equality monitoring body report approves

24 May 2024 [17:41] - TODAY.AZ
Fatime Letifova

The Milli Majlis accepted the annual report of the executive power body that supervises the provision of gender equality, Azernews reports.

The related issue was included in the agenda of the parliament session held on May 24.

The report was presented by Bahar Muradova, Chairman of the State Committee on Family, Women and Children's Problems.

After the deliberations of the deputies, the annual report was put to a vote and accepted.

Note that the discussion of 6 issues was included in today's agenda of Milli Majlis's meeting chaired by Sahiba Gafarova.

Those issues are as follows:

1. Information on the activities of the executive authority in 2023, which supervises the provision of gender equality.

2. Draft law on amending the law "On tobacco and tobacco products" (third reading)

3. Draft Law on Amendments to the Law "On Food Safety" (third reading)

4. Draft law on amending the Tax Code, the Customs Code, the laws "On State Duties" and "On Licenses and Permits" (third reading)

5. Approved by the Law No. 960-IIQ dated June 28, 2005 of the Republic of Azerbaijan "The circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances prohibited, restricted and controlled in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as import, export, transit transportation and production in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan" draft law on amendments to the "lists of precursors for which a license is required" (third reading)

6. Draft law on amending the law "On labor pensions" (first reading).


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