TODAY.AZ / Politics

Playing three wise monkeys, PACE ignores realities of Azerbaijan

29 February 2024 [21:55] - TODAY.AZ
By Azernews

Fatime Letifova

After introducing its lies to several international organisations, especially European officials, the Armenian government is trying to attract future candidates to its side.

The meeting of Armenian delegation members to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) the previous day with Indrek Saar, the candidate nominated by Estonia in the general secretary elections, is nothing more than an attempt to prepare the ground for Yerevan's plans.

Because, like other meetings, the main topic of Armenia's agenda was Azerbaijan and its so-called "extra aggressive" policy.

It seems that Azerbaijan's own lands' liberation and the deserved victory shook the Armenian authorities to such an extent that the country's officials are complaining about Azerbaijan's success wherever and whenever they can and using international organisations as a tool for their incompetent political concepts.

However, PACE also seems satisfied with this situation. Considering that its centre is located in France, and France is the biggest supporter and patron of Armenia, we can say that Armenia is serving the lies that PACE wants to hear and believe.

The European Union's "observation" mission, which began to operate on the Azerbaijan-Armenia border in February 2023, has already proven once again how "fair" the West is in the Garabagh conflict. Even after being confident that the observers will defend their interests, the Armenian authorities, which have increased their provocation, are still not satisfied and demand more support from the West.

This demand list includes the issue of the returning Armenians “ostensibly captured by Azerbaijan."

At the meeting, Armen Gevorgyan's speech on the issue of Armenian "prisoners and civilians detained" in Baku and his emphasis on the importance of their return to their country were the main indicators of Armenian hypocrisy.

Last year, after the capture of 2 Azerbaijani servicemen - Huseyn Akhundov and Agshin Babirov, Azerbaijan returned 32 Armenian prisoners to Armenia for the freedom of its 2 soldiers. This is proof that, unlike Armenia, Azerbaijan values its nation and is interested in normalising relations.

It should not be forgotten that Armenian officials deny the fact that 4,500 Azerbaijanis went missing in the first Garabagh War and refuse to provide information about their subsequent fate.

At the moment, Armenia's claim about being interested in peace talks, hiding Garabagh's minefield maps from Azerbaijan, accusing Azerbaijan of being a "terrorist" in the international arena, and committing provocations on the border is great cooperation for PACE, having Armenians like a fake policy and a biased approach.


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