TODAY.AZ / Politics

Haber Global: Ilham Aliyev's wisdom ensured the realization of a long-standing dream [VIDEO]

15 February 2024 [10:01] - TODAY.AZ
Abbas Ganbay

The Turkish TV channel Haber Global held discussions on President Ilham Aliyev's victory in the presidential election in Azerbaijan and the factors that ensured it, Azernews reports.

Experts - guests of the program - emphasized the far-sighted policy of the head of the Azerbaijani state.

It was noted that it was due to Ilham Aliyev's foresight and wisdom that the events that could only be dreamed of decades ago took place.

In this connection, it was said that it was Turkic states that began to play a leading role in trade between East and West.

It was also noted in the program that despite the fact that about four years have passed since the end of the last war between Azerbaijan and Armenia, Yerevan is still avoiding signing a peace agreement.

It was noted that Armenia is encouraged by its allies. On the one hand, France, and on the other hand, European structures, such as the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), unilaterally support Armenia by demonstrating anti-Azerbaijani stance and create conditions for its evasion from signing the peace agreement.

The program also stresses that the Azerbaijani people responded to external pressure with mass participation in elections and support for President Ilham Aliyev.


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