TODAY.AZ / Politics

Russian Ambassador: Sanctions contributed to rapprochement of two countries

12 February 2024 [12:25] - TODAY.AZ
By Azernews

Abbas Ganbay

Russian Ambassador to Baku Mikhail Yevdokimov said in an interview with journalists that sanctions contributed to the rapprochement of the two countries, Azernews reports.

"We predicted that in 2023 trade turnover between Russia and Azerbaijan will reach $4 bln. We were wrong. It amounted to $4.4 bln, and the growth was 17%. The sanctions have led to our relations becoming even closer. We are implementing very serious projects in industrial cooperation," he said in an interview with journalists.

Russian Ambassador to Baku Mikhail Yevdokimov added that for various reasons, not very clear to him, the Armenian side delays negotiations on the Zangazur corridor, but the implementation of the agreement between Baku and Tehran on the construction of a railroad through Iran will solve the issue, as well as open for Russia an additional way of cargo transportation to Turkiye - Russian Ambassador Mikhail Yevdokimov

"Now the main thing is to build railroad tracks from Turkiye to Nakhchivan, it is planned to build a double track - European and Soviet. Accordingly, we will be able to carry cargo to Turkiye from Russia via Azerbaijan, Iran and Nakhchivan. <...> Up to the border with Turkiye. Further - either change of gauge, if the trains allow, or reloading of containers on other trains", - emphasized Evdokimov.

Russian Ambassador Mikhail Yevdokimov added that the Garabagh issue is closed and now Armenia and Azerbaijan are directly exchanging drafts of the peace treaty.

"What the Azerbaijani side is proposing is, in my opinion, absolutely justified, standard formulations and articles that, as a rule, exist in peace treaties between the parties.

And, in principle, based on the proposals made by Baku, it seems to me, that it is possible to finalize these negotiations quite quickly. We are ready to provide the Moscow platform, and we are ready, if necessary, to provide our expertise, and our advice on the text. We have a very good interaction with our Azerbaijani colleagues here," the diplomat said.


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