TODAY.AZ / Politics

German FM is either lying or trying to cover up some dirty agenda

05 November 2023 [10:28] - TODAY.AZ
German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock stated at a press conference held in Baku on November 4, 2023, that during her visit to Azerbaijan on that day she had a meeting with Azerbaijanis expelled from Armenia, the Western Azerbaijan Community commented on the German Foreign Minister’s statement. Azernews reports.

“In this regard, the Community declares that it has not received any request from Germany regarding such a meeting and that the Community has no information whether such a meeting took place.

The only information available about this alleged meeting is what the minister shared during the press conference. The absence of details regarding the individuals present and the content of the meeting raises questions. This is further compounded by the fact that both German authorities and the Armenian media released comprehensive reports, including video footage, about the meeting she held in Armenia only a day before with Armenians who had migrated from Azerbaijan.

All this indicates that Mrs. Baerbock is either lying or trying to cover up some actions serving malicious purposes.

The Western Azerbaijan Community, which is the lawful and credible representative of the Azerbaijanis expelled from Armenia, demands that Germany respect the principles of transparency and disclose comprehensive information about the said meeting.

Furthermore, Mrs. Baerbock's use of fictitious place names within Azerbaijani territory constitutes a violation of international law. It is important to note that those fictitious names, which have no legal or historical basis, were originally coined by Armenia to support its territorial claims against Azerbaijan. If the German minister places importance on historical toponyms, she must have refrained from using those fictitious terms and used the historically accurate names of the places she visited during her trip to Armenia, including ?r?van, Ke?i?k?nd, and Arazd?y?n,” the Community said.


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