“We are strongly confident that, there is a real opportunity for achieving pace treaty regarding the Nagorno Karabakh conflict and we see Kazan meeting of Presidents as a real opportunity”-Elizabeth Rut-assistant of OSCE Minsk Group American co-chair Steven Mann told the radio “Liberty”.

However, the American diplomat stated that no final document will be signed in Kazan. “I would not expect any final peace treaty to be signed in Kazan or in near future. However, we hope we make the both sides come closer to the day when the peace agreement will be real”.
Ms. Rut stated that, the peace will ether be now or in near future. According to her, the sides expressed their intention of holding a serious work with the co-chairs for the regulation of the conflict.
“The issues necessary for peace have been discussed for 18 months and this process will be continued. Peace agreement will require difficult decisions and strong leadership from both sides. It is not so easy to solve this problem. Both sides have positions formed in the public regarding how the conflict will be solved and what results will be achieved. It will always be hard to solve this conflict. Difficult decisions should be made. However, we are confident that, it is high time and peace can be achieved if the sides take serious measure. We hope for better result”.