The National Unity Movement held a rally in the square in front of the “Galaba” cinema last Staurday.

The representatives of other parties representing the oppositionist forces joined the action in parallel with the mentioned organizations.
So, the deputy of the head of the Musavat Party Arif Hajili, counselor of the head Almaz Aligizi, executive secretary of the 16 October Movement Panah Huseyn, chairman of the AMAL Intellectual Movement Khalid Alimirzayev, law defenders were also the participants of the action.
The chairman of the National Unity Movement Lala Shovkat Hajiyeva made a first speech in the action. The speaker expressed her gratitude to the participants of the rally and noted that there is a great need for the intellectuals today and considered important to listen to them. The chairman of the AMAL Intellectual Movement Khalid Alimirzayev called Lala Shovkat “the standard of the intellectuals” and that is why called on the society to support her. Khalid Alimirzayev noted that 43 % of the population lives under the poverty circumstances and called on the poor people to active struggle.
Murshud Mammadli said that it will be impossible to return Karabakh till the democracy is not established in Azerbaijan.
The chairman of the Azeri-Turkish Women’s Union Tanzila Rustamkhanli said that it is the first time in Azerbaijan that one party holds the rally and gathers so many people. T.Rustamkhanli said that she is ready to follow instructions of Lala Shovkat and considered important to support the leader of the National Unity Movement.
Lala Shovkat Hajiyeva informed in her speech that if the nation lives under the poverty circumstances, in this case the opposition also bears responsibility for it in parallel with the authority: “If the nation suffers privation, then they must go outdoors and struggle. If the nation does not go outdoors, that is, they accept the situation. But indifference exists today. We say that the regime is not good and satisfactory. But what did we do? What did the opposition do for the people to be active and to go outdoors? The reason of people’s displaying indifference is that they were deceived many times till now. Fear of coming to rallies and saying the truth exists in the society today. Let us eliminate this fear”.
Lala Shovkat ended her speech with calling on the opposition to unity. The resolution of the action was read at the end. The demands of creating equal conditions for the sides participating in the elections, changing the election legislation, returning the political migrants back to Azerbaijan, releasing the political prisoners, struggling against corruption, revealing and sentencing the murderers of the late editor-in-chief of the “Monitor” journal Elmar Huseynov were reflected in the resolution. The action ended without any incident and 40 minutes earlier than the determined time.