A summit of the heads of state and government of the Council of Europe member-states started in Warsaw on Monday, Baku Office of the CE.
Following the opening remarks by Polish President Alexander Kvasnevskiy the first plenary session on 'Unified Europe - European values.' Later the summit continued its work in two sessions and hosted a signing of some documents.
The document submitted for signing are the CE Convention on preventing terror, human trafficking, money laundry, their search and confiscation and financing of terror. Besides, protocol 14 to the Convention on Human Rights Protection and Fundamental Freedom1.
Later the participants attended second plenary session on 'Difficulties the European Community faces with', On Tuesday the forum will host a signing of a Declaration on cooperation between the CE and OSCE.
After a plenary session on 'European Architecture' will start. The summit will end with the adoption of a Political Declaration and action plan and transfer of chairmanship at the CE Ministerial Committee from Poland to Portugal. Attending the summit are Presidents of 23 countries, including Azerbaijan, Prime Ministers of 14 countries, 2 vice premiers.
The Foreign Ministers represent 7 countries, including Russia, in a meeting. Canada, Vatican, Japan and Mexico sent their observers to the summit.