TODAY.AZ / Politics

US state department report marks Azerbaijan's role in fighting international terrorism

29 April 2005 [15:04] - TODAY.AZ
After the 11 September, 2001 events Azerbaijan set to immediate cooperation with the USA in fighting international terrorism, the next US State Department report on fighting terrorism says, according to Trend.
Azerbaijan interacted actively with the USA even prior to 22 September events and undertook efforts in this field, the document notes. Azerbaijan joined 12 international conventions, on physical protection against nuclear materials, on attacks on aircraft board and other events, the document says. Azerbaijan enhanced its fight with the modjahed groups, having ties with international terrorism and reached certain success in this field, the document says.  

The released report reads, that in 2004 at the result of terrorist acts 1,9  thousand people died  (against 625 in 2003) and about 6,7 thousand people  have been wounded (in 2003 this figure  made up 3,6 thousand people).

Totally in 2004, 651 terrorist acts have been committed, and in 2003 only 175 have been registered. Along with this, the report marks, if the counter measures would not have been taken in the framework of terrorism fighting, the number of terrorist acts and their victims were more.

The authors state, that this year the terror has been traced by them more thoroughly, so there is no point in comparing these figures. Moreover, analysts recounted the incidents three times, not to repeat the last year scandal with statistics errors.  


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