The Congress of the European Azerbaijanis and Coordination Center of Azerbaijanis in Germany (CCAG) messaged to the European Parliament, the Council of Europe, other international organizations, political figures, workers of science and culture and mass media outlets about conducting of the so-called “presidential elections” in Azerbaijan`s Nagorno Karabakh region occupied by Armenian armed forces.
The message says: “The so-called “presidential elections” contradict to norms and principles of the international law. Armenian Armed Forces occupied 20% of Azerbaijan lands and more than one million Azerbaijanis became refugees and IDPs. Armenia ignores all resolutions of the international organizations.”
“Azerbaijani Diaspora calls upon the different organizations to condemn “presidential elections” in Nagorno Karabakh. Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno Karabakh conflict may be only solved by fulfilling the norms and principles of the international law.”