What? a square shaped orange? is that true? well this square shaped orange was modified by a genetic engineering. just look at the image on the left, that was the square shaped orange found in the mekarsari fruit garden in Indonesia. so how about the taste of this square shaped orange?? well you can have this square shaped orange for $100. a little too expensive for an orange right?
“It feels just like a round orange. It’s not genetically modified, only the engineering of shape,” said Head of Production and Research Mekarsari Garden Riris Margiana Sari told AFP.
After the success of square shaped melon, now turn shaddock box formed by researchers from Mekarsari Fruit Garden. Just like square shaped melon, grapefruit can also be eaten.
Riris say, the square shaped orange of the type pamelo, or pomelo, Bali or orange (citrus maxima), developed since September 2009. To make the square shaped orange was needed for a longer period than the melon box. “Melon is a seasonal fruit, orange if it yearly. So the time to make it until 6 months old” said Riris.
But unlike the square shaped melon, square shaped orange is not sold per piece. But if visitors Mekarsari want, with citrus fruit trees are sold to decorate the box. beside this square shaped orange you can also find another unique fruit shape such as the heart shaped orange.
“The plan we are selling for ornamental. Citrus can survive long it’s hanging in a tree, so it can be used for decoration,” said Riris. Then how much money must be spent to buy a tree with citrusfruit box? ”
/World Must be Crazy/
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