When it comes to spreading the message about conserving wildlife, we’re more used to protesters chaining themselves to trees or digging tunnels in front of road-builders.

Alligator motorbike A reptile dysfunction: Its maker didn’t want the skin to go to waste – but this £50,000, 3m (10ft) chromed-out beast is the fastest road kill on record – and it could be yours for just £75...
But one charity fundraiser decided instead to spread an entire alligator skin over a custom-built gas-guzzling chopper motorbike – and sell 1,000 raffle tickets at a snappy £75 each.
Jim Jablon, owner of the Wildlife Rehab centre in Hernando, Florida, devised the GatorBike to raise funds for the charity, which rescues neglected or abused exotic pets. The 120mph reptilian ride features the skin and skull of an alligator culled and donated by state officials. ‘I thought, “Why not put it to good use?”’ said the 45-year-old.
Alligator motorbike Gator-aid: Mr Jablon’s animal rehab centre has rescued dozens of exotic pets, including this albino Burmese python named Arctic
The skin is detachable but the head is fixed perm-anently into the handlebars and has the speedometer implanted into the back of the skull.
And the prize draw is set to be just as quirky as the toothy two-wheeler itself – with the winning ticket to be plucked from a pool full of alligators by a 22-year-old model.
‘It’s not dangerous,’ said Mr Jablon. ‘We’re not going to tie a chicken to her or anything.’
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