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Depardieu to create business Russia

22 May 2013 [09:12] - TODAY.AZ
France`s high-profile actor and former top-rate taxpayer, Gerard Depardieu, has returned to his new home in Saransk, the capital city of Russia`s Mordovia region, where he got registered as an entrepreneur with the local revenue service.

The French film star has already announced his plans to set up a Depardieu culture center that will be managing the actor`s business projects. He is also expected to go ahead with his promise to open a restaurant in Saransk, a vow the French legend-turned-Russian-citizen made during his last trip to Mordovia.

Gerard Depardieu was handed a Russian passport in January 2013, after flying to Russia for a late-night dinner with President Putin. He was instantly offered to head Mordovia`s culture ministry, a post he politely turned down.

Depardieu allegedly gave up French citizenship after a dustup over tax policy of France`s ruling coalition.



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