TODAY.AZ / Weird / Interesting

Dog found sobbing on grave of owner's granny

29 April 2013 [17:26] - TODAY.AZ
A heartbreaking video that recently went viral on YouTube shows a heartbroken wolf-dog laying over the gravestone of his owner’s grandmother,shaking and making what appear to be sobbing noises.

Over the years I’ve posted some truly heartbreaking stories about dogs displaying their feelings over the loss of their masters, pets waiting by their owner’s graves for years, or visiting familiar places and awaiting their return, but I had yet to see an animal actually crying over their deceased human companions…Until today. In a short clip posted on YouTube by user Sarahvarley13, Wiley, a wolf-dog from Lockwood Animal Rescue Center (LARC), in Ventura County, California, appears to be sobbing over the loss of his owner’s grandmother. He is shown laying on her gravestone shaking and making heartbreaking noises that a lot of people believe express his pain over the terrible loss. The video has sparked a debate between YouTube users who believe Wiley is sobbing over his friend Gladys, and those who are convinced dogs cannot cry and that the wolf-dog is actually suffering from allergies or breathing problems.
Confronted with hundreds of questions from YouTube users, Sarahvarley13 had this to say: “I am not a vet so I can’t say if he’s reverse sneezing as some of you are stating. I can tell you that he has never done that before and hasn’t done it since. I may be anthropomorphizing his actions but its how I’m choosing to deal with loss…Also, for those stating he is dying, I promise he’s not. We have a veterinarian on staff at the sanctuary and Wiley is just fine.” Grandma Gladys is described as “a member of the family” and a supporter of LARC, an animal sanctuary where a number of service wolves, including Wiley, help veterans returning from war deal with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, providing therapy and care through a program called Warriors and Wolves.


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