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Shusha State Reserve highlights legacy of Garabagh architectural school

16 August 2024 [17:57] - TODAY.AZ
Laman Ismayilova

The Shusha City State Reserve has presented a video about the founder of the Garabagh architectural school, Karbalayi Safikhan Karabakhi, Azernews reports.

The video contains extensive information about the life and work of the Azerbaijani architect.

Karbalayi Safikhan Karabakhi was an Azerbaijani architect and one of the representatives of Garabagh architecture schools.

Buildings by Karbalayi Safikhan Karabakhi featured traditional and romantic elements.

A characteristic feature of his design was rational and skilful use of traditional local architecture.

Known as one of the most famous architects of his time, Karbalayi Safikhan Karabakhi designed multiple constructions in Azerbaijan and other countries.

Construction of Ashaghi Govhar Agha Mosque was completed with orders of Govhar Agha, daughter of Ibrahim Khalil Khan approximately eight years before the Yukhari Govhar Agha Mosque was built.

The Imamzade Mosque he built in Barda is the first temple with four minarets in Azerbaijan. Magnificent works of art created by the architect from Shusha can be found in Fuzuli, Aghdam and Tartar.


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