TODAY.AZ / Arts & Entertainment

Jury of CINEMO Mobile Film Festival starts its work

08 February 2024 [17:32] - TODAY.AZ
Laman Ismayilova

The jury of the first CINEMO Mobile Film Festival has already started to check the mobile films, Azernews reports.

"The festival's organising committee checked mobile films for their compliance with the rules of participation and requirements. Some 71 films were accepted out of 150 sent to the festival and then sent to the jury. To maintain objectivity, the names of the jury are not disclosed until the voting is completed. I would like to note that the jury members conduct voting not jointly but separately, i.e., without knowing about each other's assessments, which also ensures the objectivity of the results," said the festival founder, actor Ruslan Sabirli.

The winners of the festival will receive cash prizes in the following amounts:

  • Feature Film: first place – 2,000 AZN, second place – 1,500 AZN, third place – 1,200 AZN;
  • Documentary Film: first place – 1,500 AZN, second place – 1,200 AZN, third place – 1,000 AZN;
  • Social Video: first place – 1,200 AZN, second place – 1,000 AZN, third place – 800 AZN.

CINEMO Mobil Film Festival, which takes place under the slogan "Fikir ç?km?, Telefona ç?k!" aims at supporting the creative activity of youth, popularising mobile film production among youth, increasing youth knowledge in the field of cinema, identifying talented mobile photographers and filmmakers, promoting social values through the wide possibilities of mobile film, and establishing creative connections between young talents.

CINEMO Mobil Film Festival is held with the support of the Azerbaijan Cinema Agency as part of the Creative Week (Yarad?c? H?ft?) organised by the Culture Ministry.

The award ceremony will be broadcast on the page of the official community of TikTok streamers in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

More information can be found on the festival website:

All questions can be asked by email or on the festival's social networks:

Mail: [email protected]



Media partners of the event are Azernews.Az, Trend.Az, Day.Az, Milli.Az, and


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