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Azerbaijani culinary specialists attend World Culinary Olympics

05 February 2024 [14:54] - TODAY.AZ
Laman Ismayilova

Managed by the culinary blogger Farhad Ashurbayli, the culinary specialists are representing Azerbaijan at the World Culinary Olympics in Stuttgart, Germany.

The World Culinary Olympics are the world's largest international exhibition of culinary excellence, Azernews reports.

The Culinary Olympics have been held every four years since 1900. The event is organized by the World Association of Chefs' Societies (WACS) and the Stuttgart Messe Convention Center.

This year, more than 1,200 participants from 55 countries are taking part in the culinary competition, who are expected to prepare over 7,000 dishes.

In each competition, gold, silver, and bronze medals will be awarded depending on the number of points scored. The winner will be announced on February 7.

Azerbaijan is renowned for its culinary offerings. The Land of Fire is definitely a go-to country if you're in search of delicious cuisines.

With its rich cuisine, Azerbaijan offers a wide variety of gastronomic opportunities.

Fresh mint, coriander, dill, basil, and parsley, as well as sumac, cumin, saffron, and cinnamon, are very popular and often accompany the main dishes.

Such seasonings as lemon, olives, food acids, abgora, narsharab, cherry plums, elbukhara, gora, kizil-akhta, kuraga (dried apricots), lavashana, and others are also widely used to enhance the taste and smell of food.

Most Azerbaijani dishes are made of mutton, beef, and poultry. Rice and products made from flour are also widely used in the national cuisine.

Sea, lakes and rivers of Azerbaijan are abundant with different fish species.

The Caspian Sea is home to many edible species of fish, including the sturgeon, Caspian salmon, sardines, grey mullet, and others. Black caviar from the Caspian Sea is the world-famous national delicacy.

Some Azerbaijani dishes are cooked in special utensils: piti soup is prepared in clay pots, pilaf - in special boilers with a thick bottom (kazan), kebab is planked on special skewers. In general, more than 2,000 recopies are known in the national cuisine.


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