TODAY.AZ / Arts & Entertainment

Surrealism, a valid form of reality

30 December 2014 [10:02] - TODAY.AZ

/By AzerNews/

By Amina Nazarli

Modern paintings are energetic. The main feature distinguishing it from classical realism is that in modern painting, a painter paints quickly, spontaneously and puts all its passion and creative energy into his works.

You can be convinced of it after getting familiarized with the works of contemporary Surrealists. For all the absurdity and even some ridiculousness of certain works of surrealism, they are capable to stimulate consciousness and awake associative imagination.

Azerbaijan's most talented, creative and unique artist, Mehriban Efendi is one of those who can draw inspiration from the nature. She has her own inner world, created by the power of imagination.

Her painting is relevant today. It is supposed to hunt the minds of our time, sweeping away stereotypes and foundations of ossified consciousness.

It is enough to give her a blank canvas and some spiritual music. Then she will create a masterpiece full of truthfulness, love and strong energy.

Her paintings always leave a pleasant impression on human. They are true, because the artist is able to accurately portray the state of her active and hungry to the openings mind because she creates images that are close and understandable to us - viewers, through which we can open ourselves.

Even foreign art lovers cannot remain indifferent towards her talent.

Famous Bissau Barreto Foundation of Portuguese wrote in his website that due to Mehriban Efendi's participation in the project "Surrealism today" in 2010, the world could witness the developed art of Azerbaijan.

The Art Foundation "Radzwill", located in France has offered an interesting suggestion to Mehriban to display her works. She is also offered to expose her splendid works in the Salon of Contemporary Art in "Louvre" museum as part of a project implemented by the Russian Culture Center. There is also some suggestions from the Azerbaijani embassy to Argentina to put on display her works by autumn.

"Our hallmark is the Art!" Mehriban, the winner of "Shining" exhibition in Bulgaria, always says.

My father and grandmother helped me open first doors to love and respect of the motherland, Mehriban emphasises.

Growing up on the stories of her grandmother about Azerbaijan's traditions, culture and national costumes, Mehriban collected all the parts in several pieces, creating interesting pictures in her imagination.

She paints her pictures with color and broad strokes, which compose a special structure in the pictures, filling them with her specific dynamics and gracefulness.

"The ugliest thing is to steal others' styles. You need to stay faithful to yourself and create your own style, in which you will be recognized," Meriban says.

But she did not come to a halt only with painting. Mehriban Efendi also had a large cinema experience, where she performed as a renderer. The artist creates some additional figures, having sharp contours and corners - its force field.

"At very good conditions, it is possible to create the most unusual costumes and scenery. These costumes help in creating paintings to actors, creators, viewers better perceive a film," she said.

In order to discover the laws, belonging to the world of primary images, the artist must be awakened to life as a man. Almost all his noble sentiments, a large proportion of intellect, intuition and desire to create must be developed in him.

Indeed, the art lies in the nature and who know how to find it, he owns it.


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